kim momAll over the internet I’m seeing blog posts about ‘Top 10 Quotes about Moms’ or ’25 Famous Quotes on Mothers’ – well, I don’t need any of those.  I hit the jackpot when it comes to moms and I don’t have to look any further than my memory to come up with 10 great quotes from a mom!  She’s one of the most amazing and wise women I know, so here are my Top 10 Favorite Quotes from My Mom – and the ones I find myself repeating the most often!

#10:  I don’t want to die til I’m dead!

I love this one.  At the age of 74 mom still makes a healthy meal for herself every night, lights a candle and sits and has a lovely dinner.  She joined a health club for the first time in her life at the age of 73 and has become the queen of chair yoga!  She’s living it up every day and this quote reminds me to do the same – even at 50!

#9:  Haste makes waste.

Oh geez….do I need to remember this one!  It seems like every time I decide to hurry, I forget something and have to turn around or I mess up something I have to redo.  It’s a good reminder in this fast paced world t just slow down, take a breath and NOT HURRY!

#8:  If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

Something I need to hear.  Something our youth need to hear.  Something our elderly need to hear.  Something our government needs to hear.  Something our churches need to hear.  Something we all need to hear.  And remember.

#7: Melon – eat it alone or leave it alone.

I was amazed when I went off to college how many people don’t know about this rule.  If you eat any kind of melon – watermelon, honeydew melon, cantaloupe – eat it by itself or it’ll mess up your stomach!  (Actually, it’ll just make you fart all after noon – and who wants that at the fourth of July picnic!)  If you’re going to have melon, eat it first and wait at least 20 minutes before eating anything else.  If you’ve already eaten, you should wait at least 2 hours before eating melon.  Solid, practical advice, Momma!

#6:  What you worry about you bring about.

A good word of caution for all of us – whatever you focus on, you create!  So don’t focus on the bad stuff or that’s what you’ll get!

#5:  All you can do is all you can do.

These were always the perfect words when I was overwhelmed.  They worked during finals week in college, they worked as a young mom with 4 kids under the age of 5, they work now when I feel there’s too much on my to-do list!  All you can do is all you can do – so just do all you can and be satisfied with that!

#4:  Remember who you are.

Those were the last words I ever heard my grandmother (my mom’s mom) speak.  She had her hat tipped at a jaunty angle, she pointed her gnarled finger at me and said, “Kimmy, you just remember who you are.”  I know my mom learned this one from her own mother – and she’s mastered it beautifully!  I’m striving to do the same!

#3:  Nothing’s ever as bad as it seems.

Oh did those words bring comfort as a kid.  I’d come home with some huge drama and mom would simply say, “Nothing’s ever as bad as it seems.”  You know what?  She was right.  Nothing really is ever as bad as it seems!  Good to remember.

#2:  This too shall pass.

Again, what words of comfort!  Every broken heart, every disappointment, every betrayal, every bad grade, mom would offer those four simple words, and as usual, she was always right.  It did always pass.  It always does.

#1:  If you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything at all.

For me, this is the big one!  I said it as recently as yesterday afternoon to my 25 year old daughter who was facing a relationship decision.  It’s just so darn smart.  If you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything at all.  It always works, because eventually, you know what to do –and then that’s the right time to do something!

My mom’s pretty special.  I talk to her almost every day and feel blessed to get to see her 2 or 3 times a year.  I wish she were closer, but she will be someday.  She’s gonna come live with me when she gets old.  Until then, I have her sage advice to guide me.  I also inherited her eyes, her patience, her ability to make a great dinner when there appears to be nothing in the fridge or on the cupboard shelves, her fear of frogs, her love of the ocean and her size 9 foot!  But most importantly I know what it means to be a good mom and love your children unconditionally – with all your heart.  I learned from the very best!  Happy Mother’s Day Mom – I love you!

So what’s your favorite quote from your mom?  I’d love to hear it!