Every Moment, Every Day

Every Moment, Every Day

Sometimes I beat myself up for not being ‘on it’ – IE: doing everything I should when I should. This past week, two people in my circle were dealt heavy blows. The sister of a good friend (and single mom of two) was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma – a deadly...
Is LOVE easy or is LOVE hard?

Is LOVE easy or is LOVE hard?

Is LOVE easy or is LOVE hard? For me, it’s both!  It’s easy to love my family, my husband, my friends, the people I work out with, the people I go to church with, and heavens, don’t forget my dog.  These folks are easy to love.  They encourage and support me. They are...
Are you loving YOU?

Are you loving YOU?

Let’s face it – all of us have a long list of people depending on us. We’ve got spouses and kids, employees and co-workers, aging parents and friends in need. I’ll admit that some days it seems like everybody want a piece of me! That‘s when it’s time to step back and...


I love the thought that LOVE is not an emotion, as so many of us think, but rather a choice – or an action. That takes it from being this ‘noun’ of an idea that people search for and yearn to have, to a ‘verb’ that shows itself in our actions. That changes...