
Last month’s newsletter was all about change – of seasons, of habits, of attitudes. October is over but this week the word is still in the air for me.   Monday night I wrapped up my fall Passion to Profit coaching program for a group of amazing entrepreneurs.  It is program I am very passionate about as the premise of the program is basically my story. It is the path I walked in building my own business and I am honored to share what I learned along the way.  This season, I decided to host the final meeting as an event in my home. One of the students is launching her event planning business and to get her portfolio kicked off, we agreed that she would plan the evening.

So on a cool and crisp fall evening these bright young visionaries came together and along with their spouses and significant others  – we celebrated. We looked at the path they have walked and we talked about the processes they have learned and we celebrated the changes in their businesses.  We remembered that very first meeting ten weeks ago when some of them had trouble even expressing their passion or putting their business ideas into words. We remembered the class when we were able to cheer one student for making her first sale (she actually made 11 sales in one weekend!) and cheered another for selling her first VIP package!  We celebrated the past two and half months and we celebrated their futures and the growth of their new businesses.

The change I saw in this group of young and eager students was nothing short of amazing. I am energized by their spirits and so honored that they chose my program in which to grow. Their progress has re-challenged me in my own business to look in new directions, be more efficient and just simply do and be better. What areas of your business need tightening up? Are there areas that need to be reexamined? Are you being the best boss or entrepreneur that you can be? You can learn more about all of my coaching programs at or email me at [email protected]. The next classes start at the first of January and they are filling up already so don’t wait too long. Let’s get your business off the ground or re-energized!

big love kim



PS – Oh and by the way, the evening was a huge success and the event planner did an amazing job. She is well on her way to success!