Drew Barrymore is wrongDrew Barrymore is wrong!  In a recent blog post she states, “I was raised in that generation of women can have it all, and I don’t think you can.  I think some things fall off the table. The good news is, what does stay on the table becomes much more in focus and much more important.”  Well, Drew, let me tell you, women CAN have it all, and I can prove it.

After Roger Bannister ran a mile in under four minute (which they also thought couldn’t happen), within two months another runner did the same thing.  Now it’s common.  Once one person does something, it opens the door for any person to do it.  And I DO HAVE IT ALL, so if I have it all, anyone can have it all – including you, Drew.

Here’s the thing, I think what you want changes when you have kids.  Well, truth be told, everything changes when you have kids – and I think for the better.  I mean my husband, who I used to think looked sexy in a suit and tie, or all sweaty after a good workout, now looks sexy when he’s jumping on the trampoline or helping with math homework.  Now that’s sexy.  I still HAVE a sexy husband, it’s just that what’s sexy has changed.

I still HAVE a great career.  It’s not what I WANTED 25 years ago, but it is what I want now.  I finish up every day by 3:00 so I can get my son from school.  When I had 4 kids coming home from school, I’d always say that I was starting second shift as soon as school was out.  (It does get easier with only one child at home I must admit.  Now I can even get some work done after I’ve picked him up.)  We still have family dinner every Wednesday when all the kids come over and the table is full once again.  I travel some as a professional speaker, but I usually don’t miss more than one night away at a time.  It’s perfect, Drew.

In addition to great kids, a hottie husband and a fulfilling and rewarding career, I have time for me.  I teach yoga.  I work out with a personal trainer.  I love to ride my bike with the kids and our dog Buddy.  I meditate daily and I rarely feel stressed.  I truly do feel like I HAVE IT ALL.  It is what I WANT and I don’t feel guilty about my life, like you said you do. That’s no way to live.  After all, is that what you would want for 6-month-old Olive when she’s your age?

I don’t know what you think you’re missing Drew.  So, I’ll tell you what I tell my kids when they don’t get what they want – GET OVER IT!  You may not have what you want, but there are women out there who do – and I’m among them.  So you’re welcome to your world where women can’t have it all, but I’ll stay right here in mine, where I do!